Last spring the sun was out and I was in St Albans photographing the set of Obsession, a new four-part erotic thriller from Netflix, with lot of kinky sex. Part of the production was also filmed in Cannes and I joined the crew to see Anna and William fatally fall in love.
This is the first show felt mine, as a stills/unit photographer you are jumping between shows and sometimes covering for other people. On this occasion I remained the only set photographer of the show and I feel super proud and grateful about that. The responsibility is enormous but the reward is equally as big.
The thriller is directed by Lisa Barrow D’Sa and Glenn Leyburn and lead by Richard Armitage who plays William, while Charlie Murphy is character Anna Barton. Go watch it and let me know what you think, you can see the full gallery here.
La primavera pasada yo estaba en St Albans fotografiando el set de Obsesión, un nuevo thriller erótico en cuatro partes de Netflix, con mucho sexo kinky. Parte de la producción también se filmó en Cannes y me uní al crew para ver a Anna y William enamorarse fatalmente.
Este es el primer show que sentí mío, como foto fija, estás saltando entre shows y diferentes sets. En esta ocasión fui la única foto fija en el set y me siento súper orgullosa y agradecida por ello. La responsabilidad es enorme pero la recompensa es igual de grande.
El thriller está dirigido por Lisa Barrow D'Sa y Glenn Leyburn, Richard Armitage interpreta a William mientras que Charlie Murphy interpreta el personaje de Anna Barton. Ve a verlo y déjame saber lo que piensas. Puedes ver todas las fotos aquí.